Wednesday, December 21, 2016

TV News is Fake

The cover-up artists blowing smoke up your butt want you to focus on the content of Hillary's emails... the ones she didn't delete. Fact is it's ILLEGAL to have a private email server to conduct public (government) business. It's always been ILLEGAL and it's still ILLEGAL. So call it what it is, Hillary's ILLEGAL email server. She's a lawyer so there's no excuse CBS can make up.

More fake TV news wants people to believe Putin personally ordered the hacking of Hillary. Having actual PROOF of this outrageous conspiracy theory suddenly isn't important. Here's are the legal CONSPIRACY FACTS you need to know:

Of course Israel claims no responsibility for any of this. Only an anti-Semite would believe a bunch of non-Semitic banksters from Germany are trying to wipe Palestine off the map. Some people are just entitled to be lying, thieving, murdering sacks of shit.