Saturday, January 28, 2017


16.04 LTS derivatives are feature locked on PulseAudio 8 and Debian 9 which isn't even out yet is locked into version 9. I need PulseAudio 10 but also want to keep a "pure" Debian version of PELinux. So newest plan is an R3 upgrade script that will keep you pure Debian AND a new image that will be "Debian-based" like Ubuntu but with some different packages.


THIS IS NOT FOR RASPBERRY PI! It's AMD/Intel 64-bit but the armhf.deb package I'll make later will work exactly the same way.

PulseAudio 10 for 16.04 LTS by Privacy Enhanced Linux

shasum f5368d65dea39ea5826799472d2e2b15f9b0ec81
md5sum 67ccbc20dae06736ac10e8be33d3a294

To properly manage all the dependencies, you should install Pulseaudio 8 or 9 FIRST then download above package and:

sudo dpkg -i pulseaudio_10.0-pelinux-1_amd64.deb

sudo apt remove pulseaudio-module-bluetooth pulseaudio-module-x11 pulseaudio-module-droid pulseaudio-module-gconf pulseaudio-module-jack pulseaudio-module-lirc pulseaudio-module-raop pulseaudio-module-trust-store pulseaudio-module-zeroconf pulseaudio-utils

sudo apt-mark hold pulseaudio pulseaudio-module-bluetooth pulseaudio-module-x11 pulseaudio-module-droid pulseaudio-module-gconf pulseaudio-module-jack pulseaudio-module-lirc pulseaudio-module-raop pulseaudio-module-trust-store pulseaudio-module-zeroconf pulseaudio-utils

sudo rm /etc/xdg/autostart/pulseaudio.desktop

sudo apt update

sudo apt upgrade


To verify you're running version 10:

pulseaudio --version

Only tested it on Xubuntu 16.04.1 but should be same with other flavors.

Saturday, January 14, 2017


I compiled the 3D side of the stack from source and made armhf.deb packages only to find the testing repo already has the latest and greatest. Follow my earlier blog post (the pulseaudio sux one) to install libdrm-dev and mesa from there. It was a good exercise anyway. 2D acceleration is still a problem but 9 isn't done yet so I might not need to do anything with that either. New plan is to make an R2 to R3 upgrade script instead of another image. Still might make custom pelinux packages for systemd/udev sans stoopid names, however. And when 9 is released and testing no longer gets updated, the following might come in handy:


Here's how I made the libdrm-dev package.

mkdir ~/Code
cd ~/Code
git clone git://

cd drm
./ --prefix=/usr/ --enable-udev --libdir=/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/
sudo checkinstall -D make install

Unfortunately it looks like Debian made tiny little packages for each driver in libdrm so it's dependency hell if you dpkg -i --force-install the full set, but it works.

Thursday, January 12, 2017


When they use their credentials instead of actual proof to back-up their "conclusions"/lies you can be 100% sure. I doubt any of these so-called "journalists" could name half a dozen spy agencies without some kind of cheat sheet, 17 is absurd. Heck, if numbers and organizational acronyms are proof of something then I guess 9-11 TRUTH must be FACT because THOUSANDS of experts with degrees representing HUNDREDS of organizations say so:

This will be the end of the debate on the subject.

The debunkers have been completely debunked. :P

Wednesday, January 4, 2017


Some time around the release of Debian 9 I'm going to make a "Luke Skywalker Edition" with select components (primarily the graphics stack) compiled from source. That means you'll have to download updates to things like Xorg as source too, so if you've never done ./configure, make and sudo make install then R2 is still the final version for you. I might even try to compile systemd and udev with the stoopid interface renaming code removed. ;)

And for what it's worth, if the over-edjumacated idjuts who are making decisions these days wanted interface names to be MORE intelligent/logical instead of LESS, they'd start numbering them from one. So your first Ethernet interface would be eth1 not eth0. Zero is only a real number to a computer. People don't count that way.