Monday, August 28, 2017


Kali Linux has ARM64 DEB packages. I was going to write a shell script but it's safer if you execute the commands one at a time. The important thing to remember is NEVER apt-get upgrade with the Kali repo enabled or you'll break things. It's also a good idea to apt-cache show the package name to verify Ubuntu doesn't already have it. For example, if you apt-cache show macchanger you'll see the same version is in 17.10 and Kali so always install the Ubuntu version first to avoid conflicts. I've already found a few ARM64 packages that only exist in Kali's repo and plan on installing those (since they don't cause conflicts) by default in future versions of PELinux64.

sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys ED444FF07D8D0BF6
sudo apt-add-repository "deb kali-rolling main contrib non-free"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install kali-archive-keyring
sudo apt-get install bluesnarfer crackle dumpzilla fierce webscarab burpsuite
sudo apt-add-repository -r "deb kali-rolling main contrib non-free"
sudo apt-get update

Tuesday, August 22, 2017


The Kali Linux guys have a ton of videos so I guess I need a few too. Here's how to get started using Privacy Enhanced Linux 64.

And while you have gparted open, check out all the file systems supported by default. NTFS support is compiled into the kernel itself.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017


It's crystal clear now. If President Trump even knew somebody that knew someone that had something to do with the controlled demolition of three skyscrapers on 9-11, there would be a constant investigation and endless debate. The fact that the liberal media won't even discuss the science behind 9-11 Truth proves emphatically that it was a Democratic Party inside job. They simply wouldn't cover up a crime of this magnitude for a Republican.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017


Nazi were leftists. Republicans freed the slaves. And Ferguson was terrorism not Charlottesville. So lets call the "news" on American TV what it really is: propaganda.

Friday, August 11, 2017


They say patience is a virtue, but they lie, a lot.

Beta6A is the last 17.04 ARM64 version. You can update it yourself until end of support, no need for me to make new images.
1.1GB ZIP file has an md5sum of 5e4e5f1bcd69f924b5542aa39d3f32ca

Beta6B is pre-release Ubuntu 17.10 which will "feature freeze" this month. Xubuntu didn't participate in the official alpha testing and as expected they both use Xfce 4.12.3 on Xorg 1.19.3, so no change. Mesa has been updated from 17.0.7 to 17.1.4 though.
1.3GB ZIP file has an md5sum of 34ba5d2117a2615c1b2082658f0de120

My Alpha3 will be a base/text/console 17.10 image with a new kernel. I'm starting over from scratch to make a clean 17.10 system. That'll give me another shot at the built-in Bluetooth and I'll also try switching from xdm to gdm. If all goes well I'll have a script I can use next year to make my custom 18.04 LTS build.

So this is it for now. I'm not expecting anything new for the next few months.

Thursday, August 3, 2017


If you're tired of fake TV news feeding you Democratic Party propaganda, make a donation to the 9/11 Truth movement. They think the can blow up your office building and blame guys in caves on the other side of the planet... or maybe trolls sent by Putin corrupted our democracy, just don't blame the boolshiat artists feeding you crap on TV. They're not responsible for anything that's happening in the world today, just like the Zionist extremists of the Jewish State (aka "Israel".)  You can blame anyone but them.