Thursday, July 27, 2017


Daemonized Onboard so it's running as root at the Xdm (X display manager) screen. Don't run Onboard as a user or autostart it in settings, you'll just end up with two on-screen keyboards. Firmware config.txt preconfigured for my Waveshare 10.1 IPS touchscreen as always but any USB HID screen should work fine with this version, NO KEYBOARD REQUIRED.

ZIP file has an md5sum of bdf917501ac82b432eb3bcd28399713d

To restore Onboard to previous configuration edit /etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup and delete the last line. Then use MenuLibre to make the Onboard icons visible again. That's it! Those are the only changes I made.


Nano because apparently I'm the only one still using vi. Claws Mail to complete the standard suite of desktop programs. MenuLibre so I could make the Onboard icons go away. And NTP (Network Time Protocol) to automagically update the fake hardware clock. All still neatly ZIPed into a one gigabyte file.


gufw has a unlisted dependency on locales which I'm avoiding like the plague for now. If it would just update correctly instead of blowing away locale.gen forcing you reconfigure it every fookin' time.. but people have been complaining for YEARS and nobody cares so.. the plague I say. Plain ole UFW works fine from the command line.

Firejail tools has an ARM64 specific bug that apparently requires compiling with a special flag. I'm trying not to fook with packages that will need updating when upgrading to 17.10 so I'll probably uninstall it next time around.

RFCOMM doesn't seem to have a service file so my Bluetooth installation may be incomplete. If they had just made it a frickin' USB device like the built-in wired Ethernet adapter none of this shit would be required.

These three are the only remaining issues I have.


The projects are years old with no progress, just a few bug fixes, if you're lucky. With all the resources being devoted to bringing us a safe and secure Nazi init system, you'd think someone would have spent a buck or two on what's been standard for Winblows since version 8. I can't even frickin' two finger right click. Touchegg has never worked right with Xfce and Twofing is a dirty hack by even my standards, anywho. Luckily Onboard has a right click button or a big vein on my forehead would have popped.

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